ShaoLin Tang Lang Chuan
Considered an advanced form, the hands are held with the index finger straight out, the third finger straight but bent at 90 degrees, and the other fingers held in a fist. The hand is flexed 90 degrees at the wrist for striking. The striking part of the hand is the wrist, top of hands, and both straightened fingers. The stance is very low (painfully low), with the rearward lower leg almost parallel to the ground. There is a gentle sway back and forth, or side to side, when in the praying mantis position. The arms also convey this gentle sway.
- Stand straight facing 12, hands at sides
- Lean forward from waist up, right hand palm towards belly, slides to the left, as left hand
slides behind back to right, twist upper body to left - Once turned completely to left, left open hand slides back out to left, right fingertips
at elbow; twist slowly to right. Left hand slides up right arm to shoulder. - Once twisted to right, right hand sweeps down in front of body, left hand on right shoulder,
right hand sweeps palm up towards left as you twist upper body to left;
then, once right arm is horizontal, twist arm and body together to right,
until looking to 12. - Right hand slowly comes back to behind shoulder.
- Right hand then slowly pushes forward, palm to the front, to 12, left hand on right
shoulder. - Once fully extended, snap right hand to palm rearward.
- Right arm then sweeps upward to vertical; then continues sweep down to feet as you lower
body, bending knees, and twisting body and knees to the left. Right arm
continues sweep to the left of knees, as you twist body, right arm then
continues sweep to horizontal, palm up, pointed towards 12, with body and
knees low and twisted towards 1030. - With a sudden movement, twist right arm and hand counterclockwise, turning right shoulder
to 9. - Jump up suddenly with praying mantis hands, right to rear, left to 12, into low xu bu stance
facing 12. - Jump up into high xu bu stance facing 12, right knife hand swings around to 12, left open palm
catches right forearm, palm down. - Lean into gong bu facing 12 as you circle right knife hand downward and back towards belly,
snapping forward to 12 with a right praying mantis hand; left hand slides
palm down to top of right wrist. - Right hand circles around to grab, left and right hand staying together, swing arms
horizontally clockwise back to 6 as you shift to gong bu leaning towards 6. - Hands leave each other as you swing back to gong bu leaning towards 12, with left
outstretched arm, palm down circles around to 12 and further on to 6, right
outstretched arm palm up circles around to 12. - Lean back towards 6 in a high xu bu stance leaving right arm palm up outstretched to 12, both
shoulders and hips now facing 12, but bringing left hand palm up back
towards face, fingers pointing to 12. - Drop down into
low praying mantis position, snapping left knife hand out to 12, bringing
right hand back to palm down block position in front of groin. - Stand up in
flamingo position with right knee up facing 12, head back, as you circle
both arms clockwise around once, on second circle, slap them together and
snap out open hand, palm up, to 3. left hand returns to side. Upper body is
leaning back to 6. - Doing praying
mantis roll with forearms, upper body leaning forward, then lunge forward to
3 into low praying mantis position striking towards 3, fingers are downward,
left hand by chest or right shoulder. - Drop lower into
an alternating left and right praying mantis stance as you sweep the right
and left arms, palm down, right from right to left, left from left to right,
two circles, as you rise up. As you rise up, the left leg rises rearward. - Jump into low
praying mantis position facing 12 with right arm striking to 12, left hand
at head, fingers are now outward. - Stand up on right
as you bring left hand under right arm, and striking out to 12 with back
fist, right arm bends with fist coming by face, elbow to 6; feet are
together facing towards 3. - Right fist sweeps
around towards 12 striking as back fist; left returns horizontally as fist
to face, left elbow to 9, move into high xu bu stance, left foot forward to
12. - Right fist
circles down to feet, towards 6, then up over head as right foot kicks
straight legged forward to 12, bring right fist down to right kicking leg,
with left fist stopping right arm under right elbow. - Step forward with
right into gong bu facing 12, right fist circles up by body and then strikes
out to 12 as back fist, left hand supports right elbow. - Run forward left,
right, left, then jump off of right, bringing left knee up high, and kicking
straight legged with right to 12, toes first. Land on right, step to left
towards 12 bringing right leg bent with right foot behind left knee, while
doing praying mantis roll with forearms. - Strike out into
low praying mantis stance facing 12, with right arm, fingers are downward,
left praying mantis hand by chest or right shoulder. - Open hands, move
into ma bu, swinging both arms straight and clockwise, one complete circle
as you step up on left straight leg, kicking to 6 with right (behind left)
and striking with both open hands to 6. - Stand up on left
with right leg bent behind left knee, bring right fist up to right side of
face, left fist in high horse position in front of chest. - Step down into
gong bu towards 9, striking with same position to 9 with both arms. - Circle left fist
down and right fist (close to body) up, both circle clockwise, and after one
revolution, both hands slap, with right open hand striking palm up out to 9;
left hand goes to left side of body, upper body and head are leaning
backward to 12, all the while standing on right leg, with left foot behind
right knee. - Standing on right
leg, straighten body upright, facing 6, circle both open hands with
outstretched arms towards 6, right moves clockwise, left circles
counterclockwise; twice, on third rotation of right lunge forward to 6 into
low praying mantis stance and strike with right praying mantis hand, fingers
are outside, left hand is by head. - Circle right open
hand counterclockwise back to 3, then over head, leaning upper body and head
back to 12, right hand continues its sweep around to 12 and 9 and then
sweeps at 3, as left hand sweeps counterclockwise to 6 and then to 3. - Jump to a feet
together crouch, with both arms clasping body, right arm on top of left. - Jump up, feet
together, facing 3, right fist swings outright to 6, left fist rises to face
with left elbow towards 12. - Step back with
left towards 12 into high xu bu, as right arm (straight) circles clockwise
down to knees, towards 12, up over head, and then down again in front of
body by knees, facing 6, with praying mantis hands. Left arm circles
clockwise to 3, down to feet, back to 12 and up over head, also with praying
mantis hands. - Jump towards 6
into gong bu position, with right thrust punch to 6. - Left thrust punch
to 6. - Right thrust
punch to 6 - Left open hand
strikes out over right as you turn counterclockwise with left foot moving
towards 6; move into gong bu facing 12, right elbow strike to 12, slapping
left palm against forearm. - Circle left fist
counterclockwise back to 6, then up over head; circle right fist back
counterclockwise to 6, bring up over head, and then grab opponent at 12,
holding arms close to body, right over left. - Fall down into
low praying mantis stance, with right praying mantis hand striking to 6 and
left striking to 12. - Circle right hand
clockwise down to floor, back to 12, up over head, and then to the right of
body and behind body; step with left towards 430 into gong bu, strike
towards 6 with right knife hand, left hand palm down on top of right
shoulder. - Stand up on right
leg, left leg slightly raised towards 12, right hand circles in back to body
and then upright to 6 with open hand; left hand falls to right armpit. - Left hand slides
down body to behind body; then right arm sweeps down towards 12, as you fall
into a crouch. - Both hands, palm
down, circle horizontally in front of body, right goes right to left, left
goes left to right, as you gently rise up. Left leg also rises up rearward
towards 6. Both hands end up as praying mantis hands, high above your head,
left leg held up rearwards towards 6. - Bring both hands
straight armed down quickly as left knee rises up towards 12. - Bring both hands
back to chest, step forward towards 12 with left into low praying mantis
stance, striking out with left praying mantis hand, fingers pointing
downward, right praying mantis hand by left armpit. - Stand up, step
forward towards 12 with right into high xu bu, right arm swings under left
as left returns to body, then right praying mantis hand strikes up to block
by left face, left praying mantis hand strikes out towards 12, fingers aimed
towards right. - Step forward with
left into high xu bu, both hands swing to right, with left praying mantis
hand blocking near right face, right praying mantis hand striking towards
12, fingers face left. - Step forward to
12 with right as right hand circles down and back to body, body leaning
forward, left hand palm up heads towards floor, then left leg goes up in air
behind you and strike out to 12 with right praying mantis hand, returning
left praying mantis hand to body. - Step back with
left into high xu bu, as left thrust punch strikes to 12, right returns to
horse. - Keeping right
foot forward towards 12, jump up and land in gong bu towards 12, with right
thrust punch to 12, left returns to horse. - Left open palm to
12, over right fist, as left leg steps behind and towards 12, turning body
to face to 6, end in gong bu facing 6. - Right elbow
strike to 6 with left palm slapping right forearm. - Keeping feet
planted, move to gong bu facing 12, keeping left palm under right elbow,
with right back fist strike to 12. - Left palm strikes
upward, as right foot steps forward to 12, right arm returns to behind body
and strikes to 12 in thrust punch, left palm on top of right arm. - Run towards 12
with left, right, left, then jump off of right to do tornado kick, land in
ma bu facing 3 then either left back kick or circular back kick to 12,
landing in gong bu facing 12, right foot towards 12, left towards 6, with
right thrust punch to 12, left hand on right arm. - Keeping left hand
on right arm, twist upper body to face 3, bringing right fist upward, arm
horizontal and bent, blocking towards 6. - Stand up on
right, left foot at right knee, with both arms going up and then dropping
down with praying mantis hands, right to 6, left to 12, both arms
outstretched and parallel with ground. - Step back with
left towards 12, turning body to face 6, swinging left arm clockwise up to
sky, down to 6, right fist swings clockwise back to body, right foot steps
back towards 12 past left, left fist swings down to ground, right fist goes
down to behind right side of body and then swings up behind body, as left
fist returns up behind body, to swing around in front of chest; right arm
continues its circle coming down as a straight armed strike towards 6,
resting on left fist. End up in high xu bu position facing 6. - Step on left leg,
bringing right leg behind left knee, do one praying mantis roll with arms,
and lunge towards 6 into praying mantis stance, striking with right, left at
chest or armpit, fingers down. - Moving via a ma
bu position, end up in praying mantis stance towards 12, circle right hand
over head and bring it down and in front of chest; left hand circles
downward to rear to a threatening circling position towards 12, fingers are
down. - Stand up circling
both open hands from 6 and 12 up over head, then down in front of body,
together as you breathe out. Hands stop at sides.
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